A rant about school- (February free choice)

I’m not interested. I’m not inspired. I’m sick of it all. this school has stolen my imagination and has institutionalized me. You shouldn’t spend all of your youth locked in a building with bars over the windows while someone throws useless and uninteresting information at you for seven hours a day. It sounds like torture because it is. I hate school. I hate school so damn much because, over the twelve goddam years that I’ve wasted here, I really haven’t learned anything useful, or anything I’m actually interested in. and according to the absolute geniuses they got working here, they see a child who is uninterested in math and puts him in more of it, even though all he wants to be a politician. they see a girl who draws on her biology notes and they demand that she takes an extra science course because, “she isn’t applying herself’, even though she wants to be an artist. They see a young man who is half asleep in language arts class, they call him “disrespectful” and tell him that he’s not good enough, so they fail him and make him take the course again so he can learn to write a perfect essay, because he really needs to know how to do that to become a hockey player. Or my personal favorite, a girl only needs 2 more credits and one more course and isn’t planning on going to post-secondary, so she tries her hardest to get the rest of the day as spares in hopes that she could get a job and work in the morning and show up for the one class she needs instead of wasting her time but the school says “nope, you don’t need spares, you need more classes that your not interested in at all.” real examples. The only thing these people are learning in school is an outdated lesson called, don’t question authority because authority is never wrong. And here is my favorite part, nobody ever speaks up about this very obvious elephant in the room. Because we taught to hide our feelings and to stay quiet, hold them down inside of us until we eventually snap, so far, I’ve seen about ten people snap because of this, some of them literally on the brink of suicide because they don’t fit into the fake environment and they aren’t interested in the subjects that we have been force fed our entire lives. Did I mention the asshole kids that you’re surrounded by all day? The ones that were raised to think that they are better than everyone else because they have perfect grades because having straight A’s in every class will definitely matter in 10 years when you have the same job as everyone else with the same paycheck as everyone else. meanwhile, that kid who failed language arts is a famous hockey player making almost triple what everyone else makes. The education system doesn’t work. All it does is kill your hopes and dreams, force your personality through a cookie cutter system, and ruin the motivation and drive of every kid who isn’t interested in their classes because they would much rather do something else.


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i wanna go home

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